Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Lazybones or a concept fighter? .. Lenoch nebo bojovník s koncety?


You probably think "whats the deep idea today..?!!" And yes, there it is. As many of you know I´m lately being spoiled and having amazing relax conditions. Having time for myself. And before I start to write anything else I want to write down that I´m very thankful and happy for it. Sincerely.
The idea has been to settle down and get used to a new place. Slowly it looks like I have had enough time for that. The other idea has been (yes there is more of them) to concentrate more to myself. To discover what are my capabilities, powers.. what I want. And as well to see the situation I´m in. What is possible? What is worth it to put ones energy into? And here its getting complicated. I do not know.
How is it possible? I thought I have made at least some of those points clear. Yet it seems it is not so simple and the process is beginning again. And it takes time. Have you ever been thinking what you really want in your life? I mean REALLY thinking about it. For sure you have. So you know how wast is the range of possibilities we hold in our hands. Add to this my zodiac sign is balance. Hihi. Going deeper - why I think I want THIS? Is it because I really enjoy it so much or do I think I SHOULD want it?..because it can theoreticaly be meaningful or it brings me joy? Ohh..and am I aloud to be happy? Selfishly just me? Shouldn´t I rather look at all the beings around me and take care of them? I am a woman after all this is what woman do. Is it? Why do I think so? What is a real woman like? ... see?? I told you it got compicated.
This is filling my head lately. I´m as well very thankful to my friend Anna for our long talks. She ever managa to touch something very important deep inside me. One of the wisest woman I have ever know.
Nevertheless there is a few facts clear. At least. I have the best partner I have ever had on my side. I have time to meditate. I like Buenos Aires pretty much. I ejoy the sangha friends here. I love my family and miss them (including my closest friends). I love to drive moto (even in the back position). I love food. I love spending time with friends.
How to end up? Considering the title.. so what?! I dare say "everything at once" (and its not only an easy way how to get out of this tricky question). A concept fighter, sometimes lazy, sometimes full of power..and as you know "the activity brings the activity" which fits more less with the word "power" too.. I myself wonder how this all going to continue..
Tell me your experience? Your opinion? Advice? I´m truly keen to hear some.. :-)



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