Monday, 10 August 2015

Dining with families... ♡ // Večeření s rodinami... ♡


The other day we had a lovely dinner with one family - a part of Sebastian´s one. Franca, his sister, returned from Canada and Edgardo with Laura were just about to leave to pampa. So it was essential to meet. Laura invited us all to her place and cooked a great food, again. She likes the "pampa" style as I understood and as well is very good in it. If you are thinking what does "pampa" style means (reminding you we still talk about food ;) ) it reffers to a simplicity. A huge piece of meat, very good one of course we are in Argentina, and a simple side dish like baked potatoe and rucola salad. Simple yet delicious. We had as well a wine from pampa, and it surprised me how good it was. We had a really nice time talking and enjoying ourself as you may see on the faces if you look at the photo. Outside was an amazing downpour since those days we are having some and it is impressive how much water is coming from the sky. We as well felt it later on while trying to get home. I got a safe lift with Sole´s car, but Sebastian was brave and drove the moto home. 
This monday I was an the schedule (voluntarily ;) ) for cooking the centre dinner. On monday´s we have officialy dinner at our meditation centre after the meditation. It is supposed to be nice simple not expensive food. Eventually I went for cauliflower and quite typical recipe in Czech "cerebellum" with potatoes. The food was fine and somehow I ended up eating between four men enthusiastically talking in a very quick spanish. Hihi. It was great :-) 



With a part of Sebastian family - Edgardo (uncle), Sole, Franca (sister), Laura - in Laura´s place
S částí Sebastianovo rodiny -  Edgardo (uncle), Sole, Franca (sister), Laura - u Laury

Surrounded by men! :-D alias disscusion. Fede, Lucas, Gaby and Sebastian..
Obklopena muži! :-D aneb diskutujeme. Fede, Lucas, Gaby a Sebastian..

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