Friday, 28 November 2014
Evening with Pedro.. Večer s Pedrem..
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
In La Trapiche.. V La Trapiche
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Before the sun goes down.. Než zapadne slunce..

Saturday, 22 November 2014
Wind.. Vítr..
Today THE WIND came.. it's the super strong one haven't experienced anything like that yet.. it remembered me Katka with her simple explanation of see-mountain area crossing ;-) (once I mentioned a strong wind)
Dnes přišel TEN VÍTR.. je to ten fakt silný, ještě jsem nic podobného nezažila.. připomnělo mi to Katku s jejím vysvětlením oblasti přechodu moře-hory ;-) (když jsem se zmínila o silném větru)
Friday, 21 November 2014
Hitchhiking story Memmingen -> CZ.. Příběh stopování Memmingen -> CZ - in progress
The decision to give it a try came along with train ? Stavka?, money saving and situation at the little Memmingen airport :-) I boarded in Memmingen at 6pm. Had already been dark and - since coming from hot Malaga - pretty cold! ;-)
As well meeting Daniela and Thomas there counted for it since I joined them to hitchhike. They needed to get to Munich and I decided to hitchhike all way to Czech. We were walking together the road from the airport cars passing by when Benjamin appeared. He was rushing with his suitcase on the other side of the road and asking us where we were going. After some discussion I joined him to get lift to a gas station and guys decided to continue with stop because Benjamin went opposite direction to Munich. We had a nice short talk and suddenly the petrol station appeared so we wished each other good luck and parted. I started to ask around. It turned out i did have the best point (way to Ulm). Many people went the other direction. In cca 15min Arme appeared with his van and after a brief discussion what I needed he agreed to drive me further. Mid aged gentleman from Kempten he was exceedingly nice to me with offering me drinks,food,cigarettes, considering what is the best point to drive me to,going actually 20km more just because of me and asking people to get me lift further my way. People can be so amazing.
Karin a Volker
Vašek a Pavel
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Travelling day :-) Cestovní den :-)
Many greetings and kisses to all of you guys with whom we haven't managed to see each other. Thank all of you whom I could meet. I've been having an excellent time. And last but not least huge thanks to my family. I'm grateful for your great support.
See you soon..
Mnoho pozdravů a polibků pro všechny z Vás, se kterými jsme se nezvládli vidět. Děkuji všem, se kterými jsem se mohla potkat. Skvěle jsem si to užila.
A jako poslední, ne však méně důležité, obrovské díky mé rodině. Jsem vděčná za Vaši báječnou podporu.
Brzy na viděnou..
Monday, 17 November 2014
My irish beauties... Moje irské krásky...
Friday, 14 November 2014
New look.. Nový vzhled.. ;-)
It's been more than a month it's got clear a new haircut is needed.. and first in my life (counting since a secondary school) the short hair.. here it is!
To my surprise I really feel good with it.. :-)
Uz přes měsíc je jasný, že je potřeba nový účes.. a poprvé v živote (počítáno od druhého stupně) krátké vlasy.. a tady je to!
K mému překvapení se v něm cítím vážně dobře.. :-)
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Being at home... Býti doma..

Chilling around.. Poflakování kolem..
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Flying.. Letím..
Friday, 7 November 2014
U sestřičky, s Frantíčkem.. At my dear sister´s place, with Frantíček..
I came to CZ very early tonight, hitchhiking from Memmingen´s airport. It was again pretty interesting story and a great adventure, but this I will write you down later, with few pics from the plane..
Everybody is spoiling me here, guys, what to say.. ;) Petra, my sister, is very nice to me and looks happy to have me around, my dad is spoiling me with surprise - breakfast.. beautiful.. :)
And the little one!!! He is totally cute and nice little boy.. so in fact Im just lurking around and watching my sister as she is already the professional mother. She looks really beautiful, the motherhood simply fits her. Im very proud of them..
Přijela jsem do CR dnes brzy poránu z letiště v Memmingenu. Opět to je dost zajímavý příběh a skvělý dobrodružství, ale o tom Vám napíšu později s pár fotkama z letadla..
Každý mi tu rozmazluje, lidičky, co Vám budu povídat.. ;) Petra, moje sestra, je ke mě moc milá a vypadá spokojeně, že jsem poblíž, můj táta mi kazí překvapením - snídaní.. krása.. :)
A ten maličký!!! Je totálně roztomilej a miloučkej malej kluk.. no vlastně se tak motám kolem a pozoruji svou sestru, která se stala profesionální maminkou. Vypadá krásně, mateřství jí prostě sluší. Jsem na ně moc hrdá..
before a walk its neccessary to wear a looot of warm clothes.. před procházkou je potřeba pořádně nabalit..
On the walk.. Na procházce..
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Three days of meditation.. Tři dny meditace..