Sunday, 31 May 2015

Buenos Aires - new meditation centre opening.. Buenos Aires - otevírání nového meditačního centra


On friday 22th of May we had an official opening of the new centre in Buenos Aires. Or better say a meditational branch of the current one. It located in the north part of BA meanwhile the main centre is rather in the centre of BA. I have to admit Im just slowly getting to understand the wastness of the city. We drove there with Sebastian on the moto.. and it took us more than an hour (ok, the speed is limited because of the traffic but still we were not sooo slow) just to get there.. and as I was told it was far away from being on the real end of the city.. hihi..
Anyway - friends here did really a great job - the place is very nice, next to a big university, on a little square with children playing in front and students everywhere.. they were as well very fast with whole the process at least what I have seen.. In a big city like BA is is neccessary to have more place for a really doesn´t want to spent more hours in the traffic outside than already does.. 



The beautiful new centre.. guys did a great job here.. it was just a simple old room.. so they reconstructed the floor, ceiling with "soffits" and walls.. the place already has very nice energy.. 
Krásné nové centrum.. kamarády tu odvedli skvělou práci..byla to jen obyčejná stará místnost..takže zrekonstruovali podlahu, strop s podhledy a stěny.. místo má moc příjemnou energii..

 "people impressions".. beauties Jessica and Laura, "we", girls.. 
"osoby a dojmy"..krásky Jessica a Laura, "my", holky..

 ..never waisting time.. when everybody just hanging around waiting Antonio is having fun while entertaining everybody around..
..nikdy nestrácet čas.. když všichni jen postávají kolem a čekají Antonio se baví a zaměstnává všechny kolem..  

Of course to complete the right opening centre celebration we had a little chill out on the huge balcony there after meditation. 100% Argentinian with empanadas and good drink.. ;)
Samozřejmě k zakončení té správné oslavy otevření centra jsme na tamějším obrovském balconu měli po meditaci malý večírek. 100% argentinský s empanadami a dobrým pitím.. ;)

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