On saturday a woman´s day in Benalmadena was inevitable. Ok, almost woman´s day - we had Arseni with us to make the day even cooler ;) First he invited us to beautiful butterfly´s "garden" which impressed him a week ago. I have been first time to such place. Really interesting to see all those wonderful creatures.
Stupa in Benalmadena is huge and impressive standing at perfect point on sea coast and facing south. I have funny experience with it. This was my second time there. Year ago we went there but was closed. This time it was opened but only last three minutes so we couldn´t get in. I´m curious if the third time I´m going to manage that.. :-D
Later on we went to restaurant. Perfect completion of a lovely trip don´t you think so? ;) And because Anna KNOWS the food was of course delicious.
All together we enjoyed a disgusting tourists day..

Necessary selfie..
Nezbytná selfie..
Impressive stupa in Benalmadena
Dojem dělající stupa v Benalmadeně
With stupa..
U stupy..
Ještě jedna..
Arseni our joker <3
Arseni náš bavič <3
And how did it appear.. A jak na svět přišel..
Miracle of chrysalis..
Kuklí zázrak..
Beauty of flowers..
Krása květin..
Refreshing moment
Chvilka na osvěžení
"I´m" .. "Já jsem"..
Tourists.. Turisté.. ;)
Vamos a comer! .. Let´s have some food!.. Jde se jíst!
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