New Year´s Eve.. as every good reason to share some fun and delicious food together we had a great party in Karma Guen. It included really great food, including cheese, prosciutto and prawns as an appetizer, risotto as a first course, excellent pork and beef meat with baked creamy potatoes... and much more what I didnt notice ;)
I was lucky this time with dancing since Carl was not afraid to open up the dance on the empty floor. We had never danced together and I was already quite tipsy but it was an amazing fluent flow as our connection is. Later I was honoured to dance with Arthur, excellent teacher, and Pempa, our tibetian great teacher. Yep, was cool :D
I have to admit i got drunk quite easily since tired of all the preparations. But it was worth it. People had fun (at least what was my perception) and many interesting connections arise..
Happy New Year to everybody!

A glimpse of festive table with the atmosphere.. with Arthur and Pedro in the middle..
Záblesk slavnostní tabule s její atmosférou.. s Arthurem a Pedrem uprostřed..
My closest dinner comany - Bára, Miguel, Arseny, Anna and Carl..
Moje nejbližší společnost při večeři - Bára, Miguel, Arseny, Anna a Carl..
Lada - chic and another glimpse of atmosphere..
Lada - šik a další záblesk atmosféry..
S výzdobou jsme udělali kus práce ;)
Anna and me.. we had fun, is it visible? :D
Anna a já.. bavily jsme se, je to vidět? :D
Carl and me.. (and Arseny) ..Im just happy to have this man around..
Carl a já.. (a Arseny) ..jsem prostě moc ráda ve společnosti tohoto člověka..
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