Finally after 5 months here I managed to meditate IN Benalmadena stúpa..
This time the 3rd time worked out - my 3rd time I had been visiting
this place. First time it was just in the lunch time - so closed. Second
time it was opened but last 2 minutes so I was only walking around..
Anyway it worth it. This place is beautiful outside as well as inside.
We met Zoli there who told us many interesting stories and views.. was a
real pleasure. And maybe first time I was REALLY excited about an
exhibition (its funny I´ve just realized that). It was cold but a short
meditation with blankets from nice Zoli was for sure and.. striking..
On the way there we had to stop at the coast for a moment since the sea looked amazing. Wild. Waves... and the WIND.. sometimes Im sorry i cannot catch the beauty what I see on the camera..
Malas. Pierino gave us a challenge - prepare some malas for him (understand - for Karma Guen) with a reward of one brand new beautiful mala. It was too tempting as you can imagine. In next days almost everybody found out that make a mala (we are talking about good ones) is actually quite a work. On sunday afternoon somehow we gathered in sangha room and were enjoying the new experience with excellent Dj Alejandro (at some point he caught all of us with some song :-D ).
The other day we came for the evening meditation and Ile just called Carlos, her husband. I was a bit suprised about the timing but what happened - he joined us for meditation via Skype and in the end he even read the text. It was funny on the beginning and I was fighting laughting. Not every day you have an iPod next to you on cushion during meditation ;) but later it was just nice.
Sebastian.. finally i had a man next to me for a few days.. and it felt good. There is quite a challenge for my life... but you will probably hear later... ;)

Benalmadena stupa - sand mandala/Buddha Shakyamuni
stúpa v Benalmadeně - mandala z písku/Buddha Shakyamuni
Working on malas..our small sunday afternoon workshop.. and yes, girls, I had all the men just for myself.. ;)
Prácujeme na málách.. náš malý workshop v nedělní odpoledne.. a ano, holky, měla jsem všechny chlapy jen pro sebe.. ;)
Look at me..Sebastian, Ceasar, Alejandro..
Podívej se na mě.. Sebastian, Ceasar, Alejandro..
Meditation with Carlos..via Skype..it was soo funny and cool..
Meditace s Carlosem.. přes Skype.. bylo to tak legrační a cool..
With Sebastian.. meditation in big gompa..
Se Sebastianem.. meditace ve velké gompě..
Big gompa.. Velká gompa..
A bit of VAWES.... trošičku VLN..
windy selfie.. větrné selfie.. :-D
Stupa Benalmadena - beautiful Tara..
Stúpa Benalmadena - krásná Tara..
An buddhistic exhibition.. prayer mills.. lovely..
Budhistická výstava.. mlýnky s přáními.. kozelné..
Guru Rinpoche, Loving Eyes/all 8 kinds of stupas
Guru Rinpoche, Milující oči/všech 8 druhů stúp
Ritual mask/protector Black coat
Rituální maska/ochránce Černý plášť
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